
ExOnomy Academy

The urgency of climate change is more significant that ever. We are co-sponsoring the 4th and 5th Green Economy Conference to add the ExO methodology to the conversation starting with an immersive Swarm to bring diverse ‘hive’ minds to the table to proactively create change;

*To sponsor the GEC4 (Nov 13 2024) and GEC5 (May 2025) events <click here>

Exonomy Background:

The Academy division started by teaching members the basis of blockchain and the EXOS token. We guided people to set up a wallet for the first time and encouraged the community to adopt a known future. We also added town halls where we brought in speakers to talk about tokenomics and how to apply it to our own community and blockchain. We added some next generation economy podcasts that showed how young minds can make decisions and solve for global problems using blockchain, cryptocurrency, decentralized finance, coming at it with fresh eyes rather than traditional finance. 

Island17 focused on youth education becomes important especially with things like mental health and purpose in their futures. COVID and online schooling created such havoc in the well-being of our young people.  The Covid-pivot forced us to question the education system and look to the youth to solve for these problems. Software as a service (SAAS) focused on health products is a new focus to solve for the sick care system.

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Town Halls

NextGen Podcasts

Youth Education

SAAS Content

Int’l Language Academy